Thursday, February 25, 2010

Zebra Diet (Captivity)

In zoos zebra's will eat a mix of herbivore pellets, timothy hay, trace mineral salt bricks.
They can have veggies such as carrots for an occasional treat.
Zebra's require lots of water so a constant water supply is always needed.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Zebra Diets (In the Wild)

Very Adaptable grazers. They are able to eat both short young shoots and long flowering grasses. It is a pioneer in the grassland community, meaning it's the one to go into the tall grasses first and other animals will follow once they have trampled the grasses.

Zebra Behavior

Social system is based on a cluster of females led by one male. This is called a "Harem."
The newest female in the Harem is automatically assumed as the lowest social status.
Males will fight eachother for females to add to their Harem during the breeding season.
Foals are close to their mothers as well as their fathers and will stay with the Harem for 1 to 4 years before going off on their own.

Zebra Habitat

This is an African Savannah, and it is where Zebra's call home. They roam everywhere from the tree less grasslands, muddy watering holes, and open woodlands. Sometimes Zebra's will occur in tens of thousands of migratory herds on the Serengeti plains.

Zebra Intro(:

  • This is Burchell's Zebra, more commonly called the Plains Zebra.

They can be found in wild habitats in Africa, common in Northern Kenya.

Their body type is built like a stalky pony and they are covered in black and white stripes that differ in number and spacing. They have short erect manes.

Zebras move very quickly for their size.